Essay on Mid Day Meal Scheme

The Mid Day Meal Scheme is a pioneering initiative by the Government of India to provide nutritious meals to school children across the country. Launched in 1995, the scheme aims to address two critical issues simultaneously: improving the nutritional status of children and increasing school enrollment and attendance. This essay delves into the various aspects of the Mid Day Meal Scheme, shedding light on its significance, challenges, and impact on the education and nutrition of children in India.

Objectives of the Mid Day Meal Scheme

The primary objectives of the Mid Day Meal Scheme are:

  1. Improving nutrition: By providing balanced and nutritious meals, the scheme ensures that children receive essential nutrients for their overall development.
  2. Promoting enrollment and attendance: By offering free meals, the scheme acts as an incentive for families to send their children to school and encourages regular attendance.
  3. Enhancing learning outcomes: Proper nutrition positively influences cognitive development, concentration, and academic performance, leading to better learning outcomes.
  4. Fighting malnutrition: The scheme targets children belonging to economically disadvantaged backgrounds, reducing the prevalence of malnutrition in vulnerable communities.

Implementation of the Scheme

The Mid Day Meal Scheme is implemented through a decentralized approach involving the central, state, and local governments, along with civil society organizations. The key components of the implementation process include:

  1. Procurement and storage: The government procures food grains and other necessary ingredients through designated agencies and stores them in warehouses or designated storage spaces.
  2. Cooking and distribution: Schools employ trained cooks or engage Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to prepare meals on-site, ensuring hygiene and quality standards. The cooked meals are then distributed to students during lunch breaks.
  3. Monitoring and evaluation: Government officials, school staff, and volunteers monitor the scheme’s implementation, including the quality and quantity of meals, cleanliness, and adherence to nutritional guidelines.

Benefits of the Mid Day Meal Scheme

The Mid Day Meal Scheme brings forth numerous benefits, impacting various aspects of children’s lives. Some key advantages include:

  1. Improved nutrition: By providing balanced meals, the scheme contributes to addressing malnutrition among children, leading to improved health, growth, and overall well-being.
  2. Increased enrollment: The provision of free meals acts as a significant incentive for families to send their children to school, particularly in economically disadvantaged communities, resulting in increased enrollment rates.
  3. Enhanced attendance: Regular meals at school encourage students to attend classes regularly, reducing absenteeism and drop-out rates.
  4. Improved concentration and learning outcomes: Proper nutrition positively influences cognitive abilities, concentration, and academic performance, leading to improved learning outcomes.
  5. Social equity: The scheme focuses on children from marginalized communities, promoting social equity and inclusivity in education.
  6. Reduced gender disparity: By encouraging girls’ education, the scheme contributes to reducing gender disparities and promoting gender equality.

Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

While the Mid Day Meal Scheme has proven to be highly beneficial, it also faces certain challenges that need to be addressed. Some key challenges and their mitigation strategies include:

  1. Quality and hygiene: Ensuring the quality and hygiene of meals is crucial to prevent health issues. Regular monitoring, training of cooks, and adherence to food safety standards help mitigate this challenge.
  2. Logistics and infrastructure: Efficient procurement, storage, and transportation of food grains and ingredients require robust logistics systems. Investments in infrastructure development, including warehouses and cooking facilities, help overcome these challenges.
  3. Community involvement: Active participation of parents, community members, and local authorities is vital for the success of the scheme. Creating awareness, engaging with communities, and involving local stakeholders help address this challenge.
  4. Sustainability and funding: Ensuring long-term sustainability and adequate funding is crucial. Partnerships with corporate organizations, NGOs, and international agencies, along with budget allocations, help mitigate this challenge.

Impact of the Mid Day Meal Scheme

The Mid Day Meal Scheme has had a profound impact on the education and nutrition landscape of India. Some notable impacts include:

  1. Improved nutrition indicators: The scheme has contributed to a significant decline in malnutrition rates among school children, positively impacting their overall health and well-being.
  2. Higher enrollment and attendance: The provision of free meals has led to increased enrollment rates, especially in economically disadvantaged areas. Regular meals also encourage attendance, reducing drop-out rates.
  3. Enhanced learning outcomes: Improved nutrition and regular meals have positively influenced children’s cognitive abilities, concentration, and academic performance, leading to improved learning outcomes.
  4. Reduced gender disparity: The scheme’s focus on encouraging girls’ education has contributed to narrowing the gender gap in education and promoting gender equality.
  5. Community empowerment: The involvement of communities and local stakeholders in the scheme has led to increased awareness about education and nutrition, empowering communities to take charge of their children’s development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: What is the coverage of the Mid Day Meal Scheme?
    • The Mid Day Meal Scheme covers all government and government-aided primary and upper primary schools across India.
  2. Q: Does the scheme cater to special dietary requirements or religious considerations?
    • Yes, the scheme takes into account regional and cultural diversity, offering vegetarian and non-vegetarian meal options, and considering specific dietary requirements and religious considerations.
  3. Q: How has the scheme contributed to reducing malnutrition in India?
    • The scheme’s provision of nutritious meals has played a significant role in reducing malnutrition rates among school children, ensuring they receive essential nutrients for their growth and development.
  4. Q: What is the role of community participation in the Mid Day Meal Scheme?
    • Community participation is crucial for the success of the scheme. It involves parents, community members, and local authorities in various aspects, including monitoring, awareness creation, and engaging with local stakeholders.
  5. Q: How can the Mid Day Meal Scheme be sustained in the long term?
    • Long-term sustainability can be achieved through partnerships with corporate organizations, NGOs, and international agencies, along with budget allocations and continuous monitoring and evaluation.
  6. Q: How has the scheme impacted gender equality in education?
    • The scheme’s focus on encouraging girls’ education has helped reduce gender disparities in enrollment and attendance, promoting gender equality in education.


The Mid Day Meal Scheme has emerged as a transformative initiative, addressing the dual challenges of nutrition and education in India. By providing free and nutritious meals to school children, the scheme has not only improved their health and well-being but also increased enrollment, attendance, and learning outcomes. The scheme’s impact on reducing malnutrition, narrowing gender disparities, and empowering communities is commendable. However, addressing challenges and ensuring sustainability are critical for its continued success. With concerted efforts and effective implementation, the Mid Day Meal Scheme will continue to shape a brighter future for millions of children in India.